Saturday 13 February 2010

About Presentation Slides

Many people put most of their thinking about presentation into creating their slides rather than think about the content of their presentation and how to achieve their purpose and benefit the audience.

Presentation slides can really enhance a presentation, if they are used in the right way. They should be used to support the presentation and add interest to it. The presentation slides are not a substitute for the presenter. To be an effective presentation needs to know their topic and have thoroughly prepared their presentation.

Presentations where the slides have been filled with loads of bullet points and text, have a tendency to be boring for the audience and also there is a temptation to just read from the slides.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Thinking About Presentation

Most people, when they think about presentation or public speaking, when they are new to it, focus on what could possibly go wrong. They imagine the mistakes they could make or forgetting the words of their presentation.

This way of thinking about giving a presentation or a speech increases public speaking anxiety. There are actions that can be taken to help lessen this anxiety:-

Start off small and be brief. Seek out opportunities to give a presentation to a small number of people and keep it to a few minutes only. In this way you build up confidence in your ability to present.

Present to people you know. It is easier to present to people you know. Ir doesn't seem so bad, if you make a mistake in front of them.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Questions About Presentation

One of concerns people have when think about presentation and public speaking performance is handling questions from the audience. And the biggest concern about questions during or after a presentation is that they will not know the answer to the question. There are two ways to minimize this possiblility.

1. Be knowledgeable about the topic you are presenting through your own personal experience and research.
2. Make time before your presentation to meet members of the audience to find out the questions they want answered.

If you are asked a question from the audience that you do not know, it best to acknowledge you don't know rather than waffle and let the audience find out on their own. You can then either say you find out the answer and come back to them or open it up to other members of the audience.

Sunday 7 February 2010

About Presentation Success

Most of today's confident presenters when they think about presentation still feel nerves but instead of them putting them off presenting they use them as motivation to give their best. Some of them now describe it as excitement. They have overcome their stage fright to be effective presenters.

The most successful presenters prepare their presentation and do not leave it to chance. When they think about presentation, they take action to ensure it is success. By emulating them it is possible to become an effective presenter.

There a 2 parts about presentation that are performed for a successful presentation:-

1. Planning - including preparation and practice
2. Doing - giving the presentation

There is a 3rd part to ensure continuous improvement and that is to review each presentation soon after it has been given.

Friday 5 February 2010

About Presentation Nerves

The negative feelings and emotions about presentation and public speaking are so common that the fear about presentation and public speaking regularly top studies of people's fears. Beating even death. Fortunately, I am not aware of anyone dying when they think about presentation or public speaking or from delivering them.

One of the things to remember about presentation fear is that an audience is usually on your side. They want you to succeed. The audience is glad it isn't them presenting because they empathize with you. Also, you will feel more nervous than the audience will think you are.

The actions that have the most impact on reducing presentation nerves and building confidence is proper preparation and practice. The other actions you can take such as visualization, meeting the audience, relaxtion techniques etc will all help.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

About Presentation Skills

This blog is for people who want tips and techniques about presentation and public speaking. It covers the following factors about presentation that influence how confidence you give a presentation to any size group. It will help people who want to become a better presenter and it will also help you look forward to your next presentation rather than wishing that it be cancelled because of the weather.

Effective presentation and public speaking skills are not limited to a select few people - anyone can give an effective presentation or make a speech if they want and are preapred to do some work.

When most people think about presentation or public speaking they think about what can go wrong and can experience a sinking feeling.